The first initiative related to the master's (graduate) study programme AUTOCOM started in 2016 with companies RT-RK Osijek and Rimac Automobili. Furthermore, valuable insights were gained in the project entitled “Modernizing laboratories for innovative technologies (DRIVE)” whose implementation started in July 2017.
The project is jointly carried out by FERIT Osijek and the Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad within the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020. Within the project, four specialized laboratories, two in each of the Faculties, are equipped with the most advanced computing infrastructure for studying on how to develop and test software support for the automotive industry.
Upon defining the basic structure of the master's (graduate) study programme, companies were invited to participate in defining the study programme on the portal STUP in January 2017. Four companies, namely Yazaki, AVL AST, Xylon and GlobalLogic responded to the proposal, i.e. joined to Rimac Automobili and RT-RK Osijek, and engaged themselves in defining the final version of the study programme as well as provided their viewpoint in the Report of the study programme.
In 2020 the Orqa company has also joined our list of partner companies. Orqa builds enabling technology for remote First Person View from drones or autonomous platforms in the consumer, enterprise and defence sector.
Of course, FERIT is open to cooperation with other automotive companies as well!
With a key focus on raising our international visibility, FERIT's AutoCom Master's (Graduate) Study Programme provide students with knowledge and skills required to succeed on the global market. In Osijek, there are several associations working with international students, as IAESTE, ESN Osijek and IEEE Student Branch Chapter Osijek.
The main goals of IEEE Student Branch include promotion of science, new technologies and professional work by organizing numerous interesting activities for students and teachers like congresses, workshops, lectures, IEEEmadC and IEEEXtreme competitions and travels and visits to foreign and domestic universities and companies. IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Student Branch Chapter Osijek (IEEE PES Student Branch Osijek) is a great opportunity for students to get experience outside lectures. Read more here.
IAESTE is an international association for the exchange of students in natural and technical sciences. The association is active in six continents and 90 countries worldwide. The association aims to train young people by providing them with paid professional practical experience abroad.
With a lot of hard work, ESN Osijek section was able to stand tall and slowly became what it is today – working on broadening horizons in our small community, promoting mobility and improving opportunities for our students in taking their first steps abroad.All the activities ESN Osijek organises on a daily basis are focused on the Erasmus students, on integrating them in everyday life in Osijek.

In 2020, FERIT signed the Cooperation agreement with Technische Hochschule Deggendorf which allows FERIT's AutoCom students to study at TH Deggendorf. Students studying at the graduate university study programme in Automotive Computing and Communications can apply to take a summer semester at TH Deggendorf.
If students pass all exams within the study programme in Applied Computer Science at TH Deggendorf, specified in the Cooperation agreement, during one (summer) semester study stay at TH Deggendorf, they will be eligible to obtain a diploma for that study programme issued by TH Deggendorf. Upon meeting all requirements and defending a Master thesis, the student will obtain two different diplomas for each of the said study programmes
At AutoCom master's (graduate) study programme, our highly experienced teachers and administrative staff guides you:
- through the obligations during a semester;
- internship placements that are an integral part of the last AutoCom study programme semester;
- master’s thesis preparation and realisation

Our extensive university-industry interface with the relevant business experts further underpin the learning process and enable students to implement newly acquired skills "in the field".