Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
The University of Osijek is an educational institution that connects scientific research, artistic creation, teaching and studying thus developing science, profession and art, prepares students for professional work based on scientific knowledge and methods, as well as artistic value, educates young researchers, participates in realization of students’ social interests and promotes international, particularly European cooperation in higher education, in scientific and artistic activities.

European knowledge community
The purpose of the University is to involve students in scientific research activities and to develop the scientific spirit in order to develop students’ critical attitude and openness towards new knowledge and simultaneously develop their personality and team work ability, to accept of moral and ethical principles as a prerequisite, and to contribute to development of a democratic society and become involved in the European knowledge community.
Transfer of knowledge
In accordance with the above definition and mission of the University, it is evident that higher education is of utmost importance for the social community, because higher education contributes to regional and national development of the society.
University fulfils its role through the academic education at its faculties, university departments and the Academy of Arts, within university and professional studies whose primary activity is teaching and transfer of knowledge to new generations, in accordance with legal and statutory provisions.

Three levels study programmes
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek is a modern faculty that has constantly been developing in all areas of its expertise. The educational process consists of three levels with study programmes being continually upgraded and harmonised with recent scientific discoveries, economy and labour market needs.
Cooperation with the economy
The Faculty’s research groups have participated in numerous domestic and European projects as either heads or associates. Cooperation with the economy, encouragement of entrepreneurship and transfer of knowledge and technologies are fundamental indicators of the Faculty’s development. The Faculty successfully cooperates with the most important electrical engineering and ICT companies. Furthermore, in collaboration with the economy, professional and development projects, studies and elaborations are carried out.

The Faculty is the regional leader
During their studies, our students are introduced to the world of work, and are involved in solving real engineering problems through traineeships, work on their final papers and graduation theses. The Faculty is the regional leader in the field of electrical engineering, computer science and information and communications technologies, and is strategically aimed at advancing its visibility and competitiveness in science and research, professional projects, students' education, close cooperation with the economy and local community.
The International Office assists new international FERIT students during the enrolment procedure and is closely involved in advising and welcoming incoming international students. The office is the first on-campus contact for all non-Croatian students and it provides a wide range of services aimed at helping international students adjust to living in Osijek and studying at FERIT. It forwards important information about the start of the semester and key steps that need to be taken upon arrival in Croatia.

Student assistance
The International Office also coordinates directly with other relevant departments and organizations providing student assistance, such as the Student Office and the Accommodation Services. Staff at the International Office are keenly aware of the challenges surrounding international student mobility, potential visa-related hurdles and culture shock issues. Their aim is ensure that all international students feel welcome at FERIT from the very beginning.
All students have free of charge Wi-Fi access in both Faculty buildings.
Run by the International Office, this student volunteer programme celebrates FERIT’s commitment to international students and aims to make the transition for newcomers as smooth as possible. When you are so far away from home, “buddies” facilitate integration into campus life by offering support and guidance on academic and non-academic issues and on how to best overcome organisational hurdles they face upon arrival. This is a great opportunity for personal, social and intercultural interaction that benefits both greeters and students. This has been a starting point for many friendships.

The Welcome Day
The Welcome Day is organised at FERIT at the beginning of winter semester, one week prior to the beginning of lectures (in October), and it gives students the opportunity to interact with International Office staff, “buddies” and other international students new to FERIT. They can also find out everything they need to know about the essential steps and activities required with regard to immigration formalities, campus services and Croatian bureaucracy before starting their studies.
- assisting in connecting a student and a company (potential employer);
- advisory activities – individual and group counselling;
- providing updated information;
- organising programmes for meeting with employers;
- updating databases on employers and students;
- providing students with specialisation opportunities;
- providing information on vacancy announcements, scholarship and job opportunities;
- guiding students to more efficiently present themselves to potential employers;
- carrying out educational activities – workshops, lectures, public discussions;
- carrying out entrepreneurial activities – partnership and assistance in the implementation of the best business ideas (provide a financial and professional support for start-ups);
- cooperating with the institutions in the Republic of Croatia (Croatian Employment Service – HZZ and Croatian Employers’ Association – HUP) and other career development centres at higher education institutions;
- planning, organising;
- promoting the STEM field among students of primary and secondary schools as a form of student counselling.
Our faculty, most of whom are also business practitioners with extensive industry knowledge and experience, ensures that AUTOCOM students receive an unparalleled hands-on learning experience. Strong links to industry offer students unprecedented exposure to the right industry and excellent networking opportunities, providing a strong foundation for nearly any career path.
Furthermore, in order to gain experience in scientific research, students can join FERIT's research groups for:
Intelligent Vehicles
Advanced Energy Technologies And Systems
Advanced Industrial Systems
Information And Communication Technologies
Intelligent Systems And Robotics
Advanced Teaching Methods In Technical Sciences
High-performance Computing And Data Analysis
Computer Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
The Faculty supports students in developing their ideas and entrepreneurial ambition through the Pro-Student call for proposals (, which has been implemented since 2015.
Namely, through Pro-Student, students can win support for their ideas, no matter if these are proposals with commercial potential (KOMPOT call for proposals), proposals with a research component (ZIPS call for proposals), or proposals for making a prototype, i.e. a device, that allow students to show their creativity or develop their skills (ZAPRO call for proposals).
IEEE Osijek University Of Josip Juraj Strossmayer Student Branch
IEEE Osijek University Of Josip Juraj Strossmayer Student Branch was founded in April 2010 at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and currently has more than 60 members.
The main goals of our Student Branch include promotion of science, new technologies and professional work by organizing numerous interesting activities for students and teachers like congresses, workshops, lectures, IEEEmadC and IEEEXtreme competitions and travels and visits to foreign and domestic universities and companies.

Members of our student branch chapter receive opportunities to meet with industry leaders, participate in various activities that help them to develop contacts and skills for future career opportunities.
Student Branch also consists of two society chapters that are established at FERIT: Computer Society Chapter and Power and Energy Society Chapter. Furthermore, the biggest global competition in mobile application development IEEEmadC is also established at our Student Branch.

Last but not the least, our work has been recognized and we have won more than 10 global and domestic awards so far.
Computer Society Student Branch Chapter is run by Computer Science students and the main goal is to provide an opportunity for CS students to develop their programming and professional skills, participate in programming contests and to connect with people with the same interest.
You can stay tuned by following us on our Facebook page
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Student Branch Chapter Osijek
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Student Branch Chapter Osijek (IEEE PES Student Branch Osijek) is a great opportunity for students to get experience outside lectures.

First of all, they will have the opportunity to meet colleagues from the same university that they would never meet in crowded lectures. They will make powerful bond with them which is important for professional work after university.
Secondly, they will have the chance to organize lectures from scientist and companies that are impactful in their country.

Also, all IEEE PES members have the opportunity to travel to various congresses and technical visits around Croatia, Europe and even worldwide. Often there are interesting projects in which are PES students involved.
All that activities are very impressive for students so after university, they will have no problem explaining employer that they have plenty experience and that they are suitable for the job they are applying to.

Faculty will support IEEE membership for all AUTOCOM students.
The Information system for mentoring activities MAK is a platform for procedures related to writing and evaluating Master’s theses. Mak includes a part of the procedure from the moment the Committee authorises/ appoints a topic/supervisor until the moment a student submits a paper, i.e. the President of the Defence Committee confirms the passing grade.